Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Confessions & Excuses

Here is my confession and excuse....I have no idea how to blog and I have been putting off learning for months. My friend Leslie created this blog for our family right before Ava was born so I could share our family happenings with friends and family who have moved away. I promised I would keep it up to date. It's been four months. Sorry Leslie. I have had a mental block on how to start posting. Silly, I know. It just seems like one more thing to do. Then I decided that this will count as our family journal/scrapbook since I don't do either one of them. Please be patient as I try to figure this whole thing out! Here goes my attempt to keep family and friends up to date with our family.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Glad to hear you're repentant, at least! LOL Hey, you stole my background!!!